Aromatherapy is the use of Essential Oils to promote a person’s emotional, physical and spiritual equilibrium.
Essential oils are extracted from citrus fruits, flowers and plants. After a full medical consultation, three oils are chosen which are then blended with a carrier oil.
The oils are massaged into the skin and filter into the blood stream and lymphatic system. They therefore work from within the body to alleviate a variety of physical and emotional conditions.
The Aromatherapy Massage is a deeply relaxing and therapeutic Treatment leaving Clients with a sense of peace and tranquility.
Jill will also offer Home Advice after Treatment so that Clients may assist themselves in between Treatments.
Cost: First Consultation including Treatment £45
Subsequent Treatments. £40
Spiritual Aromatherapy (Auras and Chakras)
The Aura is a protective energy field that surrounds the body. It consists of many layers and colours.
The word Chakra is derived from Sanskrit and means wheel or circle. There are seven major Chakras (wheels of energy) which penetrate the Aura and physical body.
The Aura and Chakras can be depleted by emotional trauma or physical disease.
At the client’s request, Aura and Chakra balancing is carried out during an Aromatherapy treatment. This involves Jill working through the Aura and discovering and healing any depletions as well as the use of appropriate Crystals to enable Healing.
Cost: as Aromatherapy and an additional £5